Here is a quote from an article in USA Today, January 10, 2011 “For minorities, new ‘digital divide’ seen: But the reality has turned out much differently, says Peter Chow-White, an assistant communications professor at Simon Fraser University and co-author of the forthcoming anthology “Race After the Internet.” He says there is “absolutely” still a […]
Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’
Offline to Online

So you have just had a friendly conversation with a stranger (well he used to be) at Starbucks. The discussion went from talking about where you are from, where you studied, if you are a Red Sox or Yankee fan, and led right into a talk about spiritual things. This conversation could advance into a […]
Email v Facebook

I recently heard this statement concerning this generations views of using email and facebook. “Email is work while Facebook is leisure activity”. Not bad. What do you think?
Time for Social Media Abuse

Up until now, I have not used this blog for personal gain but that record must be interrupted. So, I am going on vacation this summer to Yellowstone and Rushmore. Got any suggestions on what to see beyond a couple of guys in a rock and some water shooting straight up? Comment here or go to […]
Top 10 Ways to Use Social Media

The top 10 MUST ways to use your social media: 1. Be prepared to alter and adjust with those who follow you. Everything (well, almost everything) is changing….don’t resist what you cannot stop. Be prepared to change what you are doing and how you are offering it. Don’t be a a Pinto or Pacer….sorry, you […]
Why You CAN Find Time For Social Media

Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers – the largest Christian publishing company in the world and the 7th largest trade book publishing company in the U.S., uses social media like we drink coffee or water. He swims in it and you can and should too. See his April 23, 2010 article at A MUST read. If […]
Social Media: Advancing or Destroying You

In social media, “if you think it’s not going to spread, that’s when it gets bigger,” said Scott Hoffman, the chief marketing officer of the social-media marketing firm Lotame.
The Cubs

I am a NY Yankees fan. Right now you are thinking one of two things. I hate this guy or ‘boy do I like him’! For that reason, whenever I travel to a city, other than NYC, I wear a Cubbie baseball hat. No one hates the Cubs…they just feel sympathy for them. While wearing […]
Confident. Connected. Open To Change.

“But at the moment, fully 37% of 18- to 29-year-olds are unemployed or out of the workforce, the highest share among this age group in more than three decades.”
Understanding the Participatory News Consumer

Yes, it does really matter if you include web use in your ministry.