Where you go to college and what you take for a major has great implications on your future. For example, if your school is not recognized by employers, you may find it difficult to secure a job. If you choose a major that employers are not seeking, you won’t get a job. As well, if […]
Archive for July, 2010
Using Foursquare In A Ministry

So you think that Foursquare is just a game? Well many people think that but every day it is used by businesses to make people aware of a restaurant or other establishment. Look at how it is used by a restaurant: 1. People click on the location which others can view. If enough people see […]
A Summer Reminder

THIS VIDEO reminds us not to complain about summer heat and to appreciate its warmth.
Did You Borrow Much In College?

Compare your school loans to these collegians and graduates. http://is.gd/dqnSx
From Mortgage to Credit Cards to Student Loans to Contributions

Our country is reeling from debt repayment. One out of every 10 people are listed as unemployed but we all know that many more are unemployed (those who were not listed as unemployed before the recession but are still wanting to work, those stay at home moms who are now ready to work but there […]
How To Get People To Retweet

Statistically, How to Get Retweeted (by Tommy Swanson…more go to www.tommyswanson.com ) Statistic driven data that explains the art of retweeting. I recently read a report by Dan Zarrella, a social media scientist, which outlined what statistically gets retweeted. After taking a look over the in-depth report which can be read by signing up to […]